China International Cartoon & Animation Festival

AHN Jae-Hoon has been invited to China International Cartoon & Animation Festival, one of the largest animation festival in China, as a speaker at "Hello Master" program and China Animated Film Smmit Forum!

Director, Ahn Jae-Hoon.

Direcor Ahn is giving a speech at Chinese animated film summit forum. Over 200 people including the president of major movie theater chain in China, presidents of Chinese production company and distributors, media corp., professors etc. We hope this speech will stir up an interest for Korean animation in China!

 Director Ahn is speaking in "Hello Master" in China International Cartoon &Animation Festival. Despite the time limit of the presentation, people kept on pouring out questions and remained at the site for a long time to get an autograph of the director!

 Director Ahn is shooting a TV interview at CICAF with the chairman of SICAF and the person in charge for KOCCA. Since the interviewees are the representatives from the gov't agency, festival, and the studio, the interview is going deep into the subject of Korean and Chinese animation. :)
